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Professional Development Award: Learning and Development Level 9 - Assess Workplace Competence Using Direct and Indirect Methods

These qualifications are for all workplace assessors and internal verifiers of regulated qualifications such as SVQs in all occupational sectors. These standards for assessors and internal verifiers are the benchmark qualifications for assessors and internal verifiers across all occupational areas and ensure consistency in the application of quality assurance in the workplace.

Course information


SCQF Level 8


This qualification is achievable within six months but can take up to one year.
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What skills will I learn?

This Unit is for those who assess in the workplace using a wide range of assessment methods, both direct and indirect. The person wishing to achieve this Unit (the assessor candidate) will use the following direct methods:
  • observation
  • examination of work products (both created and not created at the time of observation)
  • questioning

They may also be involved in authenticating indirect evidence such as:
  • discussing with candidates
  • testimony of others (witnesses)
  • examining candidate statements
  • assessing candidates in simulated environments
  • Recognising Prior Learning (RPL) — otherwise known as the Accreditation of Prior Achievement (APA)

The assessment decisions made by the assessor-candidate will be used to confirm achievement in a range of situations such as assessing SVQs, other workplace qualifications or in-company standards. For this Unit, assessments must be of a substantial but realistic and manageable piece of the candidate’s work. Each assessment should cover the full assessment cycle to include planning, judging evidence, providing feedback and recording the decision.
What this Unit is about
The types of activities the assessor-candidate will be involved in include:
  • Preparing to assess
  • Planning assessments
  • Assessing candidate performance and knowledge
  • Confirming progression and achievement

To achieve this Unit the assessor-candidate must assess the competence of two candidates on two occasions in their place of work using a set of standards such as those provided by a national awarding/standard setting body or the candidates’ employer. The assessor-candidate’s knowledge will be assessed by them taking part in a discussion with their assessor, or answering questions (either written or oral), or providing a statement of how and why they carried out certain activities, or a combination of these.

What will I study?

There are four themes across the qualification that each assessor candidate must complete to achieve the full unit this includes both knowledge and understanding as well as performance criteria to show your practical application in each theme.
1 Prepare to assess

2 Plan assessments
3 Assess candidate performance and knowledge

4 Confirm progression and achievement

Application Information

What career opportunities are there?

Many Assessors progress to undertaking the L&D11 - Internally monitor and maintain the quality of workplace assessment. Completion of these units will enhance your employability as a work-based assessor and/or internal verifier.