Brenda Heenan

About Brenda

Brenda was elected to the non-teaching staff position on the Board in September 2023 and is School College Partnership Co-ordinator, within the Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) team. A working week can include checking in with young people on our school college partnership courses, reviewing attendance, attainment, meeting with curriculum and schools to review courses and opportunities across the college. 

She is also the Fife College member of staff on Opportunities for All Groups within the 18 Fife High Schools, looking to support young people into college, working with support areas across college to help them to be successful learners and sustain a positive destination.

Brenda understands that young people are now experiencing different barriers to learning (mental health, resilience, financial crisis) and the challenges that education faces to entice and sustain learners in full-time courses. However, she has also seen the positive difference that a college experience can provide for young people, from learning in a different environment, to opening their eyes to the opportunities out in the world.

In her 34 years working for Fife College, Brenda has had a variety of roles, but always linked to supporting curriculum. She is an advocate of Fife College and both her husband (as a mature student) and her son have been students at the college.