Evelyn McPhail - Senior Independent Member

About Evelyn

Evelyn was appointed to the Board as a non executive member and was thereafter elected by the Board to the role of Senior Independent Member. The role of the senior independent member is to provide a sounding board for the chair and to serve as an intermediary for the principal, other board members and the board secretary when necessary

Evelyn was until her retirement in July 2019, the Director of Pharmacy and Medicines for NHS Fife and the Fife Integrated Joint Board of the Health and Social Care Partnership and was responsible for providing strategic and clinical leadership, working with partner organisations on the delivery and development of pharmaceutical services for the people of Fife.

Through Evelyn’s career in pharmacy she has gained a wealth of experience of transformational change. Evelyn was awarded the Scottish Pharmacy Lifetime Achievement Award in November 2019 for her work in Pharmacy and the public sector.

Her non-executive roles include six years as a Council member of the General Pharmaceutical Council and is currently a member of the Board of NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland.

Evelyn’s interests include circuit and weight training, reading and exercising her two dogs.