Pamela Dobson

About Pamela

Pamela has worked in the Education sector for nine years with a primary focus on widening access to, and equality, diversity and inclusion within further and higher education, and has an interest in social justice.

Pamela worked for the University of St Andrews Admissions Team for five years, where she co-led the access portfolio. Pamela also led on corporate parenting strategies for the university. Pamela then became a Senior Policy Analyst for the Scottish Funding Council, where she provided support with the remit of the Access, Skills and Outcome Agreement team, and then became the Medical Admissions Manager at the University of St Andrews. Pamela is currently People and Diversity Officer at the University.

Pamela has an interest in education-based research, particularly around closing the attainment gap. In her spare time, Pamela enjoys travelling, running, and spending time with her husband and son.