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World-class hospitality training opportunity for Dumitru thanks to scholarship

Posted on: 07/04/23

7 April 2023

A Fife College Hospitality student was recently awarded a prestigious scholarship to train at a world-class hotel school.

HNC Hospitality Operations student Dumitru Livitch travelled to Lausanne in Switzerland thanks to a Hospitality Industry and Tourism (HIT) Scholarship award.

Awarded through Adam Smith Scholarships, part of Fife College, HIT Scotland funds the all-expenses trip for students to take part in the two-day programme at Ecole Hoteliere de Lausanne (EHL), regarded as the best hospitality school in the world.

The programme covers all aspects of the Hospitality industry using a blend of business presentations and hands-on practical experience.

Dumitru shared his experience, which will help maximise his potential and give him the edge in the future, with classmates at the College’s Kirkcaldy Campus on his return.

He said:

I will never forget this trip, it has changed my life. My first impression when I was there was ‘This is the highest level I have seen in my life’, it was just amazing. All the other guys on the course were great too, it was an unforgettable experience.

“I feel really lucky to have got this opportunity so I wanted to share what I learned while I was there by doing a presentation when I got back.

“I definitely want to stay in hospitality and one day own my own place. I hope the experience of this trip and my college studies will help me get there.”

Lyn Gold, Scholarship and Alumni Engagement Lead at Fife College, said:

“Dumitru’s real passion for the hospitality industry shone through in his application and interview – he was very much a deserving winner of this scholarship award.

“The fact he was so keen to share what he learned with his peers on his return demonstrates just how much he embraced this fantastic opportunity.

“We wish Dumitru the best of luck in his future studies and career.”

For further details about Adam Smith Scholarships, part of Fife College, visit our scholarship pages or email