Julia Sherriffs

Current Occupation: Marketing Assistant: Marketing and Communications

Where Studied: Fife College

Course Taken: Business Management - BA SCQF Level 9

Date: August 2020

My story

I studied my BA in Business Management as I saw it as an opportunity to grow in my career and also as a professional. I have always been intrigued by business as I find you can always dive in deeper in each subject that makes business what it is. The opportunities that business can take you seems endless.

Fife College has opened doors and helped me grow in so many different ways. From when I was a shy 17-year-old right through to now as a 23-year-old working in a job I love, sitting in the board of governors, being part of the student’ association; I can look back and feel a great sense of achievement. The never-ending support offered by the lecturing staff and the ability to see what you can achieve as you study the course has been amazing. My classmates were fantastic individuals with great industry experience. The support and encouragement we all gave one another helped me get through this course.

Though I am only starting out in my career, I have seen myself grow in so many ways as a professional and in my skillset. I am becoming more comfortable in pushing ideas and contributing where I think necessary without second guessing all thanks to the knowledge passed onto me by my lecturers from my course. I think it is a real highlight to say I have grown as an individual at this stage of my career.

I’m glad I did not take the traditional University route from school. I have met fascinating people, grown as an individual and loved studying my degree here at Fife College, on my doorstep. My 16-year-old self would never believe me if I told her she would achieve this!

If I were to give any advice to future students I would say if not now, when? Truth is, you may never be ready, but that end achievement and growth you get from your course is invaluable. Don’t be afraid, don’t ever give up and don’t look back; your future is calling you!


Related Courses

Business Management - BA SCQF Level 9

This course offers a progression route from HND: Additional Support Needs: Managing and Supporting the Services or HND: Social Sciences.

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