Caroline Francis

Course Taken:

HNC Travel and Tourism

September 2024

female student smiling at camera in corridor

Hello, my name is Caroline Francis and l'm studying an HNC in Travel and Tourism at Fife College.

It's a fantastic course. I'm really enjoying it. It's been really challenging in a good way, and it's great for preparing me for a job in Travel and Tourism.

The course that I'm doing specialises in a lot of different subjects, from sustainability to marketing, business studies, being tour representatives and IT. It's been a really varied, interesting course, and the dynamics have been fantastic.

Through Fife College, we've had numerous excellent opportunities, which have been fantastic. A recent one that I participated in was being a Festival Assistant at the Stanza Poetry Festival in St Andrews. It was an excellent opportunity which really pushed me out my comfort zone and I learned so much from the experience and feel really passionate about it.

It was a fantastic experience working at the event, and I feel really grateful to Fife College for giving me the opportunity.

At the end of my course this year, I'm going to return to the working environment, and I'm looking to take the skills I've learned at Fife College and the confidence that I've built here.

I'm looking to go back to work within the Travel and Tourism sector, and at the moment I'm looking at various options for going forward.

But I definitely feel that the experience I've gained at Fife College will help me for going forward.

Related Courses

HNC: Travel and Tourism

This course will develop your skills and knowledge in the Travel and Tourism sector and provide you with opportunities to visit a number of visitor attractions, attend a tourism conference and meet people who work in the industry. The course will help to improve your key employability skills.

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