Liam Brown

Course Taken:
Business Management - BA (Hons) 

February 2024

Meet Liam (subtitled) from Fife College on Vimeo.

My name is Liam, I'm 23 years old and I'm from Kirkcaldy. I started my educational journey here at Fife College at the Kirkcaldy campus, doing Administration and IT. I did my HND, then moved on to my degree in Business Management. I really enjoyed the marketing parts of the course which led me on to the University of Dundee afterwards where I studied a Masters degree in marketing.

I met some amazing lecturers while I was at Fife College. Some of them actually influenced me to go onto my Masters degree. They saw potential in me that I didn't yet see in myself. So it meant a lot that the lecturers had that faith in me.

After I left Fife College, I picked up a lot of skills that meant that I took on the role of School President. I was awarded the School President Year Award. I got a distinction for my Masters degree after getting a 2:1 on my undergraduate degree.

I learned a lot of skills, surrounded by fantastic people at the College. Both lecturers and fellow students helped me to get where I am today.

And now I work for Young Enterprise Scotland delivering workshops to college students. So it's been amazing to come back and talk to students because it's not been long since I've been in their shoes.

I feel like I know how to talk to students, and how l can benefit them, knowing that I'm just a couple of years ahead of them on the journey. So it's been really great for me to come back and feel like I'm making an impact on students' lives.

Fife College is a lot more than just getting a piece of paper at the end. The Students' Association really care about students and have a lot of initiatives that will impact people for the better. There's the breakfast club, and you have a lot of great restaurants and cafes on campus, and you have lecturers who want to help you think about what you could do beyond your college journey.

Fife College is great for setting up your career, setting up what you'll be doing for the next 40 or 50 years. It's a great bridge to get you where you want to be, and there's a lot more to it than just learning things. You become a better person, you're meeting a lot of great people and networking, and I wouldn't be where I am now without that experience.


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